Monday, March 30, 2009

What do you say NO to?

I haven't been online much lately, mainly because my life became a bit overwhelming with lots of opportunites to grow myself, my business and my relationships. It is very rare that in life you will have the time or energy to be able to participate in every opportunity that life presents to you. When you only have 24 hours in day, it becomes so important to understand what is most important to you in your life.

Life is really about choices and where we are today is a result of the consequences of every choice we've made in the past. Chances are, that when we have regrets, it's because we've made a choice without thinking through what is really important to us.

The hardest part about making these choices is that often it is not about what is important and not important, but what is important and MORE important.

These last few weeks I've had the chance to revisit this lesson and remember why it is important to know what is important and where I want to spend my energy and I'm glad to say that while I had to say no to a lot of things, I am satisfied that what I achieved has reflected well on my values.

So, what do you value most in life? When you have to make choices because of limited time and energy do you know what to say no to? Can you list the important stuff in order of importance?

Try it!!!!!